Resolutions are So 2023: Embrace Wellness Goals Instead

I resolve to eat better, drink more water, exercise more. Chances are, by the end of January, those resolutions will be distant memories for at least one-third of those who made them. Surveys estimate that more than half of those who make New Year’s resolutions give up on them by March, and only five percent stick to them for a full year.

“That’s why we recommend setting meaningful wellness goals rather than New Year’s resolutions that end in disappointment,” says Tony Frick, Chairman and CEO at HUSK, which provides the wellness tools, resources, and access that help transform organizations into healthier, happier, more sustainable workplaces. “Wellness goals differ from resolutions because they provide a structured approach that improves your odds of success.”

How to get started:

  • Envision what you would like your wellness future to look like. While the sky is the limit, prioritize those areas in which you wish to make meaningful changes.
  • Define the purpose of your goals. Rather than simply saying “I want to eat better,” perhaps say, “I’ll eat a minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables each day to help improve my energy level and digestion.” Now you have an outcome to strive for, plus a path to get you there.
  • Make goals measurable. Instead of “drink more water,” try “drink 64 ounces of water each day to maintain hydration.”
  • Make the goals realistic, but also a little challenging. If the goal presents a challenge, victory is that much sweeter!
  • It helps to break big goals into smaller cumulative goals, so set attainable mid-way objectives. For instance, if your goal is to remove caffeine from your diet, you might start by limiting your daily coffee intake to one cup a day for January and February. You get the idea!
  • Make yourself accountable. You are more likely to achieve goals if you commit them to paper. When you write your goals down, you can clarify them, which makes them easier to follow and measure. Sharing them with friends, family or on social media may also help, especially if you enlist some accountabilibuddies to cheer on your progress.
  • Stay motivated. Especially when it comes to wellness goals, collaborating with a professional can make a significant difference in achieving the results you seek. Working with a Registered Dietitian or a licensed Mental Health or Physical Therapist is an excellent way to make sure your wellness goals are safe and beneficial for your specific situation.
  • Expect obstacles. You are going to run into challenges along the way. Anticipate them and write them down ahead of time so they don’t catch you by surprise. You will overcome them! And if you need help, check in with your professional support team.

And finally, celebrate milestones. Wellness shouldn’t be all work and no fun. Give yourself a pat on the back, or even a treat, when you achieve a goal. HUSK’s cloud-based platform rewards employees and insurance members for participating in wellness activities and investing in their own health! You can create your goals at any time throughout the year. Our staff at HUSK is here to assist every step of the way to help you achieve your wellness goals and sustainable positive change.

About Husk Wellness: 

At HUSK, we partner with organizations to make healthy easier by designing sustainable wellness programs that connect people to their preventative benefits. We are committed to empowering healthier living by providing the wellness tools, resources, and access that your team wants and needs to transform your organization into a healthier, happier, sustainable workplace of choice.