HUSK Healthier Living Blog


“Ditch the Diet” May

“Ditch the Diet” May Diets Most diets fail. Actually, about 95% of diets fail and most will regain the weight they lost in the first

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April is IBS Awareness Month

April is IBS Awareness Month Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is a complex condition that differs for those suffering with it. If you are struggling

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Heart Health

Heart Health This February give your heart just as much attention as your loved ones! The whole month of February is American Heart Month. Although

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Sleep and Stress

Sleep & Stress Who is getting enough sleep these days? Between work, extracurricular activities, chores, and spending time with family and friends, how much time

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Hydration We’ve made it through most of the heat wave of summer, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to neglect our hydration! In the process

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