HUSK Healthier Living Blog

Mental Health

National Mental Health Awareness Month

National Mental Health Awareness Month Helps Fight Stigma and Preconceived Notions Even with increasing awareness of the positive effects that treatment provides in addressing mental

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Mental Health

Is Your Stress Level Unhealthy?

Is Your Stress Level Unhealthy? Worried about a big presentation, mounting bills, a family illness, or an upcoming event? Stress is a universal, normal response

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Registered Dietitian vs. Nutritionist

Choose Wisely: Registered Dietitian or Nutritionist? In the world of health and nutrition, the difference between a Registered Dietitian (RD)and simply a “nutritionist” is significant

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The Truth About Bread

The Truth About Bread Bread has a bad wrap (pun intended) and this dietitian wants that to come to an end. I have seen enough “new

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Prediabetes – Overview

Prediabetes An Overview What Is Prediabetes? According to the CDC, 1 in 3 American adults are prediabetic.¹ Prediabetes is described as having high blood sugars

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Cholesterol – Overview

Cholesterol An Overview What Is Cholesterol? Your doctor just informed you that you have high cholesterol. You knew this day was coming. Your family members are

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